No Time for Nowhere by DEF FX

This is the first song on my favorite album by my favorite band. Their whole musical style was essentially a positive way of putting everything people are capable on into music. “Hey now we’re getting somewhere/ There’s something going on/ Inside it feels amazing/ So much you wanna give.” “It’s keeping you alive/ Something inside.”

How empowering is it to feel like you’re capable of everything all at once? And that your only limitations are what you want and what your body is physically capable of? How much have people done over the centuries to try to force us into roles and partition the world and cut different parts of reality off from each of us? And how much have people done to break through all of that?

The band is from Australia. That means they’re probably all descended from some of the lowest people in the British Empire. Most of their ancestors were probably criminals who were kicked out of Britain and sent to a prison colony halfway around the world. But today, 250 years later, Australians do all the jobs there are in Australia, from sheep herder to prime minister.


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