ACT I Scene 1 We’ve talked a lot in this series about stories of the world. We’ve worked our way up from the biochemistry of survival and reproduction, to the…
One easy way to see the Web of Human Behavior and Empathy Formula play out is by looking around at people you know. The people who relate to best are…
This is the theme song to Dangerous Minds, a movie about a new high school English teacher who's given a class of inner city kids. The song spells out, and…
ACT I Scene 1 The Web of Human Behavior uses 20 points of reference to outline a framework for people making decisions. We can work through it for…
We’re all human, and we’re all unique. How do we see through our unique differences to see our fundamental similarities? The Web of Human Behavior connected the first principles…
This is the second song on Light Speed Collision, my favorite album by my favorite band. They're from the only country in the world that's also a continent, which means…
ACT I Scene 1 Modern theatre was pioneered in the 1890s. Evolutionary psychology was pioneered in the 1990s. They’re founded on parallel discoveries of the same principles. …
Modern theatre and evolutionary psychology are founded on parallel discoveries of the same first principles. What’s an easy and effective way to translate between the two? The Web of…
This is the first song on my favorite album by my favorite band. Their whole musical style was essentially a positive way of putting everything people are capable on into…
At first this looks like eight cool guys on a stage having fun playing music. But think about what the world outside the video was like back then, in 1980.…