ACT I Scene 1 The Earth formed about 4.5 billion years ago. Life began about 3.5 billion years ago. So how did it happen? That’s another big mystery people have…
Genes are molecules. Evolution is caused by the replication, variation, and selection of genes. For life to begin on Earth, the geology of the Earth had to start a chemical…
ACT I Scene 1 The universe began with an extremely dense concentration of energy. Then it exploded in the Big Bang, kind of like a gigantic supernova. Physicists…
The Big Bang was a huge explosion of energy. Some of it condensed into matter. That set the universe in motion. It led to the formation of atoms. It also…
Math is the metaphysics of science. Every scientific discovery is the discovery of a mathematical pattern in the world. To tell a mathematical story of the world that people…
Y’all know what themes are? Telling a good story depends on weaving together unifying themes. ACT I Scene 1 Fitting classes together makes some ideas a lot easier to…
Science is a philosophy. The metaphysics are math. The epistemology is the five step process of observation, self consistency, universality, reproducibility, and debate. Those lead to hypotheses and theories. …
ACT I Scene 1 What’s the best way to tell a story? How you tell a story depends on what you’re trying to get people to hear. Education tells…
Teachers learn eight principles of learning in the course of their certification training, which show us different ways of making information memorable. If you compare how religious leaders use them…
ACT I Scene 1 Y’all know what archeology is? It’s the science of bones and stones. In Africa the bones of the earliest people go back 7 million years. …